Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Feb 1 Bikaner

I did not sleep well last. I was apprehensive about today. I was hoping to take the train or a Volvo bus to Bikaner, but they both didn't leave Jaipur till supper time. I wasn't keen on arriving there after midnight. I also couldn't think of what to do in Jaipur for the day. There are frequent local buses, but they are not noted for their comfort. But I decided I could handle a 7 hour bus ride, so I went for the 7 am bus option.
Well, this morning I had another couple of what I call "India" moments.
I woke up at 5:30 to discover the lights in my room didn't work. Fortunately the bathroom lights did, and I had prepacked last night. So I finished packing in the semi-dark, and off I went, still in the dark.
The second "Indian" moment came as I walked up the side street from my hotel. One of the numerous stray dogs decided the carry-on I was pulling was its mortal enemy, and it attacked my bag, trying to bite it. Lots of barking, snarling, and bare teeth. I yelled and kicked at it, and it stepped back. By this time there were five others, all going crazy barking, but staying back. I was very happy to reach the main street. These dogs are not tiny.
Who says life isn't exciting.
When I got to the bus station some-one approached me and asked where I was going. He asked if I wanted a chair or a sleeper. I hadn't tried a sleeper, so I bought one. He took me to an older bus; actually they are all older.
The bus set-up was different. On the left was a row, two seats wide, on the right were bench seats, facing across the bus. On top there were sleeper compartments, the one above the seats were doubles, the one on the right singles. Mine was a single, and once I climbed up it was very comfortable. I could stretch out full length, and the mattress was very nice. The bus ride was just over 7 hours, and I have to say it was probably the most comfortable bus ride I have ever had. I actually slept part of the way.
We had one break, and we stopped for washroom, and chai. Chai is a drink, which is quite unique. It doesn't taste like tea, it is a mixture of milk, spices and sugar. It is served in very small cups, like a Dixie cup, and is sweet. I have grown to like it.
My hotel in Bikaner is very nice, hot water; they even gave me two towels.
I walked around the town, and even got a haircut.
Tomorrow I am sight seeing in the area.
Till then

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