Thursday, October 11, 2012

Melbourne Oct. 11

Wet and showers; high 13, low 8.
I just noticed that the gods of the Internet gobbled up my blog from a couple of days ago.
The main story line, on that day, was my success in fixing the GPS. I was very proud of myself.
The problem was that gremlins in the glove compartment, turned off all the maps, while we were enjoying the wildlife sanctuary in Healesville.
I spent about an hour on the net trying to get an answer. One site guaranteed an immediate answer, so I spent ten minutes typing in all the information. THEN they tell it will cost me 46 dollars.
Those of you that know me are aware of my financially frugal nature. No way I was parting with that amount of money, unless a beautiful woman was involved.
So back to the Internet, and I hit pay dirt. I wasn't the first person who has had that problem, and after four clicks I was back in business
The score.     Ralf 1. GPS 0
Anyway, back to today. It was the perfect day to stay indoors so we visited the Ian Potter Gallery of Art. This gallery is right downtown, very modern, very beautiful. The main attraction is their collection of aboriginal art. This art is unique, I haven't seen anything like it. It is very abstract, and concerns itself with the myths of the original people of Australia. The paintings are very colourful, but, without a description there is no way to tell what you are looking at. Actually, even with a description, there is no way of telling whst you are looking at.
The art very striking, certainly worth the visit.
In another part of the gallery there were paintings on bark, that were wonderful. I also saw some lovely decorated totem poles. Because of the nomadic culture few original pieces have survived. All the paintings we saw were created only recently. I guess this is similar to the art work of our Inuit.
The gallery also has a large collection of Australian art through the years. To be perfectly honest most look like second class European art works. The one exception was the modern section, photography, sculptures, and some paintings. There are some original works which are very striking.
I still can't get over the absence of high rise building in most of Melbourne. Melbourne has a population of over 4 million, but the only high rises are right in the center. It would be as if you take the Go train from Burlington to Toronto, and the first office tower or high rise apartment building you see is in downtown Toronto. Its as if you were to draw a circle of radius one kilometer from Union Station, and once you cross that boundary there are only 2 or 3 story buildings. It feels surreal.
There are some very interesting towers in the CBD. The most impressive is the 88 story Eureka Tower.
It's not the only one, but it is the tallest and the most impressive.
Only three more days before we move on!

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