Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sydney Oct. 21

Sandy and I did part of the Coast Walk today. I don't know how long the whole walk is, but the part we did was about three hours. The path is well maintained, but there is a lot of up and down. It follows the coast line, so you start at a beach, and the walk goes up to the rock reaching out to the sea. You turn the corner, and you go down to the next beach. Then up around the next cliff, and so on.
It was cloudy today, which made it a bit easier.
The scenery is spectacular. Wind and water have carved out intricate pattern into the sandstone. And the ocean is always there, large waves crashing into the shore. There are lots of activities on each beach; we saw races, beach volleyball, and lots of swimmers and surfers.
This being Sunday there were a lot of hikers and joggers. It seems only the fit are allowed on the walk and the beaches, because there were few overweight people.
Not only was it a Sunday, but, starting last Thursday, and continuing for the next month, there is a special "Sculptures By The Sea" exhibition along the walk, between Bondi Beach, and the beach adjacent. There are about a hundred pieces of sculptures, along the trail. Everything from soup to nuts. The crowds along this part of the walk were huge. For parts, around some of the more spectacular pieces, it was like being in a lineup at the supermarket.
We did make it to Bondi Beach, where we enjoyed a great coffee, overlooking the beach. It is a beautiful spot, and it was neat to see all the surfers, and there were dozens.
I must admit, even though the prices are higher the quality of the coffee is much better than we are used to in Canada. Tim Hortons wouldn't  cut it here, except that at 2.50 for one doughnut, it could afford a better brand of coffee.
One more day, and we head home!

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