Monday, June 13, 2011

June 13

I visited a museum dedicated to "The Ice Princess Juanita". This is a 12 year old girl, of royal class, who was scarified to the gods. The Incas believed that mountains were livng gods. When volcanoes erupted it indicated that the gods were angry. This sacrifice was found on the top of the highest mountain in the region. Just the thought of such a journey is daunting. The body is one of 14 human sacrifices found in South America. This is the highest. The museum presentation was excellent, but no photos were allowed.
The rest of the day I visited some colonial houses, and I also toured the Cathedral.
Lots of photos.
Several bits of information. You can't get a real cup of coffee, it's all instant, served with condensed milk.
Every time you sign up for a tour, or just to buy a bus ticket, they ask your age. I have no idea why.
In Arequipa there are, literally, over 30 optical stores, smetimes 4 in one block. But I haven't found a barbershop yet.
The only thing pricey I have found are stamps. It's almost 2 dollars to send a postcard to Canada.
Last night I had a Chicha drink. It is grape colored and has quite a distinct taste, but it's good. I found out it was made from fermented dark corn. Another first.
Tomorrow I am off to the Colca Canyon.

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