Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June 15

I arrived back in Arequipa tonight, after two great days at the Colca Canyon.

We left yesterday morning, and drove through some more desert, but there was the odd water puddle. We saw quite a few picuyas, which are similar to llamas and alpacas. I learned the difference between those animals.
The biggest shock came when we crossed the highest point on the trip, at 5000 meters. We got off the bus to take some pictures, and as soon as I got off I felt woozy and light hearted. The altitude really hit me. Even at the Colca Canyon, which is lower, the effect was noticeable.
After lunch we spent some time is a hot pool. The water boils at 85 degrees here. It was the most relaxing hour in Peru so far. I went back to the hotel and went straight to bed.
NOTE TO MYSELF pack a bathing suit next time!!But nobody objected to my underwear.
I had read in another blog that when it's zero outside, it's zero inside. None of the hotels I have stayed in has heating. Their solution are blankets, very heavy, and lots. They must weigh 20 pounds.
We woke up at 5 am, had a quick breakfast, and then drove 2 hours over bumpy roads, to the condor viewing platform. The condors don't fly up, they let the warm air currents carry them up. We saw more than a dozen of these magnificent creatures. They reach a span of more than 3 meters. They sail back and forth, sometimes within 20 feet of the spectators. We spent about an hour watching in awe.
After that we had lunch on Chivay, went to the market, and then returned to Arequipa, a four ride from Chivay.
Oh, by the way, the cost of the two day trip was 25 dollars.
Tomorrow it's off to Lake Titicaca.

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