Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jan 26 Indian Independence Day

I have to say that the last two days have been the nicest so far.
Delhi and Varanasi wer just too busy, too dirty, too chaotic. The whole scene of watching dead bodies being burned, while cows, dogs and people wander around was not overly dignified. It's funny, they get upset when you try to take a photo, but you have all the animals around, while other people are sifting through the ashes to find any jewellry left over. A bit too much.
I had trouble getting a train to Khajuraho, so I splurged and took a plane.
Khajuraho is a small town that is the site of the most beautiful temples I have seen. The setting is very peaceful, there is an actual lovely park. It is gated , no animals!!
The carvings are absolutely gorgeous, and there are hundreds. The other interesting point is that many of the carvings are quite erotic and very graphic. If you get a chance check the internet.
There are several groups of temples around the town, and I used a cab to see them all.
In addition to cows and dogs, there were pigs and chickens joining the crowd. I have never seen so many stray dogs in all my life.
My cab driver convinced me to hire him to drive me to Orccha, my next stop, on the 26th. A 4 hour cab ride for 40 dollars. It saved me a 7 hour bus ride, on a local bus.
Driving here is a continuous game of Chicken. I was absolutely amazed I got to Orccha without messing myself.
Orccha is another small village, which is on a river, and has a great fort, in addition to some large beautiful temples. My room is quite large, and I have a sitting room which overlooks the fort. Another splurge, 20 dollars.
I have discovered that getting a train ticket is not as easy as I thought it would be. I am heading to Agra, and the Taj Mahal, tomoorow, and could only get a seat in one of the cheaper sections. It's only 4 hours, so I think I will survive.
The weather has been great, high of 20 and sunny, if you don't count the smog. It does get cool at night, and there is no heating in any hotel I have been in. Thank goodness for camping gear.
Till the next time

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