Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Jan 21 Luang Prabang

My first impression of LP was not favourable. I arrived at 6, dusk was setting in; it was hot humid and very hazy. The ride from the airport was depressing. The road was bad, lots of traffic, and lots of garbage along the way.
My hotel is right in the Center of the old town. This is the center of the night market, very noisy, very crowded. My hotel room didn't impress me either. None of the amenities I was used to. In addition the was an unpleasant odour in the bathroom. I turned on the exhaust fan, and closed the door.
I went to bed, thinking, only 3 more days.
It turns out the bed was the most comfortable so far, and tha AC worked very well. By 8 it was warming up, and the sun came out. What a difference a day makes. I had a good breakfast at a food stall, and started to visit some of the sights.
It turned to be the most pleasant day of the trip so far. Interesting sights, and not nearly as many tourists.
LP is at the junction of the Mekong and Nam Khan rivers. The old town is on a narrow peninsula between the rivers.
LP was under French colonial rule for a long time, and there are some lovely restored villas, boutique hotels now. Also great baguettes and croissants. The Main Street goes right down the middle of the peninsula, and pretty well everything is along this 2 km street. I walked down, stopping at some temples, and the Royal palace, and then walked back along the shore of the Mekong. Once you get past the first 200 meters, the crowds seem to disappear, and it's lovely. LP is the first place where I have seen some unique, and quite beautiful local arts. There is the usual tourist junk, but there is also beautiful silks, paper and hand made clothing. 
The temples here are quite unique, very different from what I seen before. Lots of gilded statues, and a great use of coloured glas, like I have never seen before.
To top it off I witnessed a gorgeous sunset.
The juncture of the rivers.
Wat Xiebg Thong, unique architectural style
One of the side temples. The decorations are created with coloured glass
Some details
Sunset over the Mekong River

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