Thursday, October 8, 2015

Prague Sept 26

Sept 26
The head line in today's Prague newspaper:
But let me start at the beginning.
After a hearty breakfast we set off for Prague, ETA at noon. As I mentioned a great ride. The only slight problem was that the bus broke down about an hour from Prague. A couple of people were in a panic, they had flights at 2.
After about 15 minutes the driver waved his magic wand and we were off. At 10 km/ h.
We were stuck going up a hill, and when we started again the bus slowly crept up to the top. Took a while. Once we reached the top we picked up speed. I had hopes it was all downhill to Prague. What are the odds?
Every slight hill slowed us down to a crawl, and we all held our breath as the top of the hill slowly, very slowly, neared. Then the thrill of reaching the top, and picking up speed. Much more breathtaking than a roller coaster. A cyclist passed us going up a hill, but we whipped right by him on the way down.
Then the real fun started. We had left our three bags at the ticket booth where I bought the tickets. The lady, mistakenly told us she would be open all day Saturday. Not true. Our bags were inside, and nothing we tried, and we tried many things got us our bags.
What to do.
We finally decided Sandy and Sonja would fly to Dublin, and I would stay behind, collect the bags, and then fly to Dublin tomorrow. Altering my ticket was a nightmare. I had to go through TDExpedia, in Canada, and that agent had to talk to the agent in Dublin, who then had to ok everything with her boss. I timed it, it took two hours and six minutes to make the change. And most of the time I was on hold. As most of you know patience is not one of my strong points, but amazingly I didn't lose it. Must be maturity.
That wasn't the end of my fun day. I then had to find a room...on a Saturday, in Prague. Out of the first seven hotels only one had a room, at 100 Euros. I might have patience, but I am still frugal, or cheap as some of you would say. The last hotel I tried had a nice lady at the desk, and she let me use her computer. I did find a room, but it was 5 km away. And it was the only room they had left. I jumped at it, as a bonus it was only 40 dollars. It is also situated at the top of a km long street.
The room is actually quite modern.
I hope things improve tomorrow.
Only one picture today
Photo 1 our bus. Notice there is none of the blur you get when you take a picture of a moving object.

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