Monday, May 29, 2017

Egypt Day 15

Tourist scam 1: me 0. Actually it was more 10:0.
I visited the pyramids today, and was prepared for all the possible scams once I got there. To get there you take the Metro to Giza, and then another 20 minute ride on a local minibus. As I got off the Metro a guy, in his thirties, with a 5 year son, and the guy's brother exited at the same time. I stopped at the exit to figure out which way to go, and he asked me if I needed help. It turns out he was also going to the pyramids, so I tagged along. When we got there he said that the tourist entrance was a couple of km from the pyramids, but he was going to take the entrance for locals, which was much closer. When we got there he said that he could make all the arrangements.
To make a long story short I ended up on top of a camel, inside the gates, no one around, when an agent came and said he had taken care of everything. When I asked how much he said 150 DOLLARS. I started to argue, which is hard to do teetering on a camel. My "friend" assured me that was a good price. I was stuck on a camel, no body around, I capitulated.
As we were riding along I started to think. I've been had, my money has been taken, at least I should enjoy the visit. Which I did.
We rode up to a look-out. The view is stunning. You look at all the pyramids, and right behind the pyramids is the modern Cairo, with its high rises. You look behind you and all you see is desert. An amazing sight!
The pyramids are quite the site. It's hard to imagine that almost 5000 years ago these were built; and all to bury ONE person. The largest, the Cheops Pyramid, is 140 m high, and consists of 2 300 000 blocks of stone weighing between 2 and 30 tons. The entire exterior was covered with polished slabs, to reflect the sun. Only the second Pyramid still has some of these slabs, at the very top.
I decided to skip climbing in the large Pyramid, but I did enter one of the smaller one.
I also visited the museum where they rebuilt one of the 5 boats the king used to be transported to the Pyramid, after his death, and which would be used by his soul to travel to the gods.
The last site was the Sphinx, a beautiful graceful statue.
I have to say I would not have experienced this on my own.
I had fun with the 5 year old. He was very sweet. Whenever we stopped and got off the camel, he would grab my hand and lead me.
After almost 3 hours on a camel I was ready for a rest. The most "fun" is getting on and off. By the end I did it on my own, but not gracefully.
It's nice to be back at my hotel. The pyramids were hot, dry, and dusty.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

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