Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Egypt Day 3

I still haven't adjusted to the time difference; I had trouble falling asleep, and would have slept in again, without an alarm clock.
I visited the Nubian Museum this morning. Very modern, and excellent English labels.
Nubia was an ancient region that covered the northern part of modern day Sudan, and southern Egypt. It was a source of gold for the Egyptians, and a trade route for goods from central Africa to Egypt. Egypt invaded it a few times, and the Nubians responded. There was a actual time of over a hundred years when Egyptian pharaohs were Nubian.
I was very impressed by some of the sculptures. They weren't the generic faces, but showed some realistic features. And this was a couple of thousand years before the Greeks.
I wandered through the market, and I have yet to see a price tag on anything. I bought a bottle of water yesterday for 10 EP (80 cents). Today the same bottle, same place..5 EP.
I have yet to get a good cup of coffee, so, in desperation I went to a MacDonalds. I feel guilty saying this, but I had a Big Mac meal, and the coffee was good.
I also introduced myself to two young ladies sitting on the table next to me. It turns out the are in teachers college, becoming English teachers. It was a lovely way to spend the afternoon.
I've been taking a few taxis, and it's different. You have to haggle for prices. My cabbie wanted 100 EP to take me to the Nubian museum. We agreed on 20.
I also think the ideal Egyptian driver should have three arms, one for the steering wheel, one for the gearshift, and a third for horn. That's the one used most frequently.
On my way back on the ferry I hit it just at sunset, a gorgeous sight.
My guesthouse is nice. There is a patio on the top, with couches, and it's nice to meet fellow travelers. There are usually six to eight, and almost every one speaks English. I've met people from Romania, Jamaica, New Zealand, the USA and some Brits. Very enjoyable.
I hope I sleep better tonight, I'm off to Abu Simbel at 3:30 am. It's a four hour drive, each way. Should be fun.

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