Sunday, April 18, 2010


I took another overnight train from Hanoi to Hue this time. The trains are very convenient, comfortable,  it saves a night's hotel bill, and also gives you an extra day.
Hue was hot and humid when I arrived. What a surprise!!
I took a taxi to my hotel, 5 bucks, checked in and then went to visit the Citadel, which was the imperial residence for several centuries, until the middle of the 20th. It is similar to the Forbidden City in Bejing, but not quite as large, and in much greater disrepair.
I Just had another Vietnam Moment. I have been typing for half an hour, and suddenly the power went off. All it saved was the first few lines. I must say my 2 finger typing is improving.
Back to Hue.
The Citadel is impressive, but very little of the original is left. The French leveled most of it at the beginning of the 19th century. It's nice to know that the Americans aren't the only ones resposible for the destruction of historical monuments.
My only mistake was touring the Citadel at high noon. It was 40, sunny, and humid. I actually broke down and took a "cyclo", and bicycle with a seat at the front, back to the hotel. I blessed the inventor of air condotioning before having a nap.
There isn't a lot to see in Hue. I tried to find a couple of the pagodas, but got lost, so I ended up having a beer on the shore of the Perfume River. I have to say if the perfume is anything like the river, it will not be a big seller.
Early the next morning I joined an all day boat-bus tour on the Perfume River. A young lady on a motorbike picked me up at the hotel, and drove me to the boat. We visited a small village where they put on a Kung Fu demonstration and then a large temple complex, which was very impressive, and I got my daily lesson on Buddhism. I am becoing an expert on Confusius and Buddha. Buddha statues have big ears so he can hear his people better, a big mouth, so he can smile more, and a big belly to absorb all the problems of humanity.
I remember a tee shirt that says "I have the body of a god, too bad it's Buddha's"
After lunch we got on a bus and saw 2 Royal tombs. The second one, very beautiful, was for one of the last emperors, who was merely a figurehead for the French regime. He was broke, and had to borrow the money to build this monument.
I guess you have to have your priorities as an emperor.
Today wsn't quite as hot as yesterday, but more humid. I drank 4 liters of water, and didn't go to the washroom once. My bladder is starting to ask questions, but it is not the only part of my body being punished
TaTa for now

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