Saturday, May 11, 2013

May 11 Torun Day 1

I didn't get to see the fountain show last night; it started to rain.
Wroclaw was a very pleasant surprise, a beautiful city, and lots to do. I could have easily spent another day there. It's a bit larger than Hamilton, it's population is over 600 000. It was one of the host cities for EURO 1012, last year's European soccer championships, and it will be The Cultural City of Europe in 2016.
The river which runs through is the Odra, or, as its known in English, the Oder. There are several branches of the river, so there are a lot of islands and bridges.
 It also is a university town, like Krakow. Universities are different here. Rather than all the buildings being in one large campus, there are buildings spread all over town. I guess that happens when the first university buildings goes back a few centuries. 
I can't believe how law abiding Poles are. When you wait at an intersection, no one thinks about walking, when the "Don't Walk" sign is on. Even when there is no traffic, everyone waits for the green light.
Did I mention Poland is flat? Well it is. I haven't seen a hill yet. Lots of farms, canola seems to be the big crop. The yellow flowers look lovely. Apple and cherry trees are also in bloom.
Actually, the land is flat, but Poles love buildings steps. Elevators and escalators are obviously scorned. In my first hotel my room was 85 steps up, the second one was 71. At least I am going in the right direction.
This morning is very grey, there was some rain. I caught the morning train to Torun. It was advertised as Express; it wasn't. It took just over five hours, for 300 km. I checked into my hotel; 13 steps...Hurrah. 
Whenever I arrive in a new location, my first job is buying groceries. The breads and pastries are excellent. 
I walked around town, but, it could be the slight rain, I am not overly impressed so far. Hopefully tomorrow will bring some sunshine.
An absolute first....I did not take ONE picture today!!
Have fun 

Men with a beard dressed as a nun.      1
Muslims.                                                 0

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